Christmas Eve 2021

Posted on Fri 24 December 2021 in Blog

As I was writing in my journal today, I penned a poem that I have been thinking of for some time. The inspiration came as I observe the world, and myself, as society continues to reel back and forth.

In March 2021, I wrote a post that included the question:

What does it all mean?

As you read this poem, I'd like you to think about that if you wish.

Here's the poem:

    Politicians and power seekers lead
        their minions on, emotion roused.

    Religion applies the balm and
        gathers it's share.

    Blind to truth, Blind to life
        eyes shut, ears stopped!

    Lest they see with their eyes
        and hear with their ears
            and Live!

    So it has been since the dawn of man -
        How Long?

        How long until...?

    And all for not being open to the
        truth before us since the beginning!

    24 December 2021 Duane Penzien

And while you ponder, also think of the fact that you are here, reading this, and able to know that you are provided for. Why not give thanks for that also?

Thoughts to ponder this Christmas!

Till next time,
