A New President

Posted on Wed 20 January 2021 in Blog

Today was the inauguration of Joe Biden, the new United States President. As I muse on the events of this past election season, I see a trend that during my lifetime has gotten worse, not better: lack of candidates who are skilled and wise in leadership, and lack of representation of ALL views in our government.

I have watched our political parties go from working to achieve consensus on issues to bitter attacks on differing viewpoints. Empty rhetoric and propaganda have replaced seeking truth and perspective. With intolerance and hatred in congress between the two parties, it is so suprising that violence of all kinds is rising in the United States? About the only thing the two parties agree on is keeping those who think differently out of the picture. Each party also wants blind minions by the million to follow them no matter what. This election was stiking to me for one thing; how each party claimed that if the other one was elected, doom would follow. The sheer violence, both of language and actions, was on a level I have never seen before. Some of the lies told were so stupid as to boggle the imagination, yet voters were accepting them.

I have talked with people of all viewpoints, and find that those whose position I disagree with give value and meaning to my own viewpoints and show me things that I had not considered before. It is a wonderful thing to exchange ideas with someone you do not agree with, because each of you has the ability to learn something from the other person. If I can respect and value people whose opinions differ from mine, why can't our politicians? Or to put it more bluntly, why are they so afraid of each other?

The people that are voting have changed also. Instead of seeking to understand issues and looking for candidates with skills to lead our country, it has become important to vote for the person who promises what you personally want. Very few people consider the good of their neighbor or their country when they select and vote for candidates for office. When you have willingly blinded yourself by believing anything that appeals to your ego, is it so surprising that we voters as a group make such poor choices?

Anyone can open their eyes, look at themselves and their world, and seek to understand it; very few people do it. To seek to understand takes work; it is much easier to sit back and blindly accept what you are told, to fear what you are told to fear, and never ask why.

I cannot predict the future. I can look back at the past though; and if the current trend continues I doubt the freedoms our constitution gives us and our form of government are likely to be here long. History shows us that when a country's people stop caring for each other and stop selecting wise leaders, they are headed for a fall.

God knows what lies in store, and quite frankly, I am glad that I don't. Come what may, I can rest in him. I've seen a few signs in peoples yards lately that say "God's Got This" and I Love seeing them. God is in charge and he will use these things to accomplish his will. Many things that he does are mystery to me, for his will is perfect and mine is not. He has promised me one thing; that all things work together for my good. I look back on my life and I see that everywhere. My Christian friends, isn't it wonderful that we can rest in his will, regardless of who is in charge of the country?

Till next time,
