Myths vs Reality

Posted on Sat 29 November 2014 in Blog

Duane updated part of this article with some more recent examples in early 2021. The reader may not remember some of the original news items from 2014

I don't think anyone can refute this statement: "In this world, we are being given more and more propaganda and encouraged to think and seek facts less and less."

All around us, the myths abound. They are myths, but, because they are repeated over and over by people who represent "authority", people believe them. It is especially easy to convince someone that a lie is the truth if that person wants to believe it before hearing it. Here are just a few examples of myths (or lies) replacing truth:

  • Global Warming. People want to believe that science has this all figured out, when in truth the actual data that exists in the form of hard facts is far too scanty for us to understand exactly what effect we are having on the environment. Don't misunderstand me; I know that as human beings, we are constantly reshaping our environment - what I detest is when people come up with theories and then ram them down our throats as hard facts. And, they do it for the usual reasons - power and control.

  • President Trump / President-Elect Biden will save us from our enemies and bring on a new world of wealth, peace, and safety. The truth is that no leader is any more perfect than we are ourselves. Blind faith in any leader, no matter what they claim to be, is wrong. When a person does this, you might as well be bowing to Baal or Molech; you are an idol worshipper and not in touch with reality.

  • The Idea that "Safety" exists. Safety is an abstract concept invented by human beings. Everyone has a different idea of what "safety" is, since it is personal. Forget about seeking it! Putting "safety" as your only goal is very dangerous; you will ignore any rule, break any law, commit any crime, just to feel "safe". Instead, practice the virtues that DO exist, such as temperance, justice, and mercy. Those are items that matter to everyone and create a society where you can live at peace.

  • Covid-19 is Terrible. We are Doomed!. Strip away all the hype about this new disease, and what do you see? A virus (or perhaps a sub-class of viruses?) that is new to the human race and it is spreading rapidly. Symptoms vary from not noticable to death. The reality is that people die every day from probably millions of causes; this is another item on a long list. Yes, I may die if I get the disease - but I will die from something else if I don't. Why not focus on being Thankful for each day we have? Think about the reality of your own death frequently and often, and use those thoughts to help you see clearly what matters today.

I am free to choose to follow Christ on the path that he has for me, not bound into conforming like everyone else. I KNOW that my many sins are forgiven; past, present, and future. I am no longer bound for a life of eternal suffering, but will leave this world to be with Christ. I KNOW that the only way to salvation is to accept the gift that Jesus provided - he took on the Sins of all Mankind on the Cross and died for then - and he forgives the sin of those who trust him. He rose again triumphant over death; and so I will be where he is. He intercedes on my behalf, and on the behalf of all believers, and my sins are covered in him. These are facts, my friends. I have been tested in my faith and I KNOW that these are facts.

How about seeking Christ too?

Till next time,
